"Writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia." - E.L. Doctorow

Thursday 22 December 2011

Brainstorming Aloud

Quote of the Day - "You must be very drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you."

Alright, so I think it's official. My parents believe that I might actually have gone crazy since last time they checked. And I don't blame them. I came up with this new idea the other day and went around the house babbling about it for several hours - it didn't matter to me whether anyone was listening or not. And I wasn't talking to myself. I was brainstorming aloud. Perfectly normal thing to do, so it is.
It wasn't even one of my pretty, fairy, romantic ideas. It was a bit sick to be honest, but it's really blossoming into something. Obviously, there's a love story going on in the background (what book doesn't have one?), but it's pretty heavy stuff. Pain in the ass to plan out though because it's all futuristic and complicated.

And I've discovered that Ike is short for Isaac. I love the name Isaac (I love all those biblical names for guys - Noah, Gabriel, Joshua, Jonah) and I liked the name Ike, but I was always scared it was going to be short for something awful. But it's not, so there you go.

What else... what else...

I have an aim. Well, I have several, but this one's important... kind of.
I have to have Just A Game completely finished before the New Year. AND my New Year's Resolution this year (apart from fixing my appalling diet and not sleeping in till lunchtime at the weekends and going to sleep early and... yeah) is to get published before October 5th, 2012.
Let's see if I can manage it.

And I've totally sent my Santa letter and guess what's right up at the tippy top...
This: http://www.hebeldesign.com/Words-Have-The-Power-To-Change-Us-Scroll-Pendant-MIPEND5.htm. It's not coming on time for Christmas Day, but hell, I couldn't care less. I'm getting it. I think that's the point.

So, I have my new, sick, futuristic work of art to dream up - more on that at another time.

Over an' out.

(Quote of the Day by Rad Bradbury.)

Tuesday 13 December 2011


Quote of the Day - "Until aught but death part thee and me."

Wow... Where the hell have I been?

Truth is, I have no idea, but I'm here now and it has officially happened. I, as of December 6th 2011, own a hardback collector's first edition of Clockwork Prince. I'm trying my very, very best to ignore it for the time being and finish Silence (which is amazing by the way), but is nay goin' so good. I've read the first chapter or so and I'm right back in love with Jem Carstairs. It's not even funny.

So, we'll ignore that right now - like I'm supposed to be doing - and focus on Silence.

*Spoilers Alert*

I'm on chapter twenty-two or something and I'm in my element because at last Patch is back. It's amazing, since he, quite obviously, is a sexy beast, as I believe I have mentioned. And as it turns out, he's not a hobo as I originally thought. But he does live underground, which is a bit weird...

But anyway, the way things were looking, Becca's latest is so very intense that I thought it might just beat CC for my favourite book of the year, but... well, I mean, this is Cassandra Clare we're talking about. I have a feeling that she might be Jesus (put it this way - if it turns out that I'm not the Messiah, then she definitely is), so as brilliant as Becca is, she just can't do it. I've only read about three chapters tops of Clockwork Prince and all I want to do is fall inside of the book and stay there - forever.

So, about that. I think I have Will all figured out. He opened a Pyxis and released a demon that killed his little sister and he's wracked with guilt ever since, making him into the knob (pardon my language) (or don't bother - whatever floats your boat) that he is these days. Now, there was also a mention of the demon putting a curse on him - hence him going to Magnus Bane and all that - so I'll have to think a little more on what that could be about. It complicates things with Tessa, so presumably it has something to do with his love-life...

And I've had another revelation in my long absence, unfortunately for you.
It's time to start talking about my books, methinks. Simply because MIDGETS HAVE FEELINGS TOO, 'kay?
(And yes, that is my only reason.)

So, my first baby - I mean, book and the only finished one is Just A Game. It's the first in a four/five part series about... a lot of different things. Anytime anyone asks what it's about, all I can say is that it's complicated, but I eventually wrote a blurb to shut people up for a while, so here it is -

Ava Grey returns home from boarding school to find that her twin brother Andy’s been turned into a vampire. Very soon her eyes are opened to the truth of the world and it seems that no one and nothing is what it seemed before - not even Ava herself.

At first, it’s not all bad. There are the Shaydes - Andy’s eccentric, but charming adoptive family, and more importantly, there’s Lynk Shayde - Ava certainly isn’t complaining about him. And her very human best friend Neia is always there to balance her life out with a touch of normality.

But that can’t last forever, can it? Very soon things start to go wrong. There’s something stalking the streets of their quiet little city and it stalks with a purpose. But who will it be? Ava? Andy? One of the Shaydes? And can it be all that bad? I mean, it’s just a game…

So, that's that. I'm working on editing it right now and it's going pretty well, if I may say so myself. I'm going to be totally big-headed the next day and stick up a teaser because I'm that freaking amazing.

All I need to do is try to steer clear of Jem and Co. because I desperately want to finish Silence first. Wish me luck with that - I'll need it.

Over an' out.