"Writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia." - E.L. Doctorow

Monday 23 January 2012

Kinky Business.

Quote of the Day: "You can find magic in the strangest of places."

You know what, I'm not even going to explain my absence, because I am damn proud of myself and that will become apparent down in my world of literature.
Other than that, I have broken seven of my New Year's Resolutions and it's not even February yet. Yes, that's how talented I happen to be. I'm yet to find a Resolution that I've kept.

Maggie's World of Literature

CLOCKWORK PRINCE is my favourite book. It's my favourite book and that is not a title I dish out freely. Before now, it was either Private Peaceful or one of the Harry Potter's, but I mean, Cassandra Clare just... Ohmigosh, I don't know. It was just a beautiful, beautiful book. Though, I so knew Charlotte was pregnant, she was being way too... erratic. And Will. Oh God, Will. The poor guy. I am actually scared that between now and the release of Clockwork Princess, he's going to somehow manage to top himself. I know that's impossible, but it still preys on my mind, okay? And I love him, because he's Welsh and funny and his letter almost made me cry because it was on his birthday and no one knew about his birthday because I worked it out (quickly, in my head, I didn't spend hours thinking it over or anything) that it was during the events of Clockwork Angel that he turned seventeen and I didn't hear (see) anyone wish him a happy birthday -- did you?

In other literary news, I am very proud of myself. And why? Because I've finished The Hunger Games and a sexy little book by the name of Evermore.

So, The Hunger Games was amazing. Just brilliant. Hooked from start to finish, could barely put it down. And Peeta Mellark is just so damn cute! And the actor who's going to play him in the movie  is perfection for Peeta! Oh, dear... I feel like watching the trailer again, which sucks because it makes me sad because it's not coming out till March 23rd and I can't help but feel that something else's happening on that day as well, but... I don't know...
Yeah, I didn't get along well with Katniss for a lot of the book. I thought what she was doing with Peeta was really mean because it was obvious he actually liked her and she was just playing him along for the cameras. But then the last line kind of... redeemed her for me.

Speaking of redeeming, I need to read The Last Four Things -- it's on my 'To Buy' list. I read The Left Hand of God and loved it because it was so damn different. It was a serious breath of fresh air. I hope they make it into a movie...

And Evermore was actually pretty good. I've had the book bought for so long, but I was always reading something else, you know? So, I finished that tonight and... Yeah, I'm definitely going to get Blue Moon, the sequel, even though there were certain aspects of Evermore that I found... disappointing. It was really good at the start, but then... her relationship development with Damen was all a little bit too quick and jumpy and then... it got very sappy towards the end and that's something I don't like. I mean, we all need some sappiness once in a while, but I've seen it delivered in ways that don't make it seem sappy at all, so... That was the only downside. Other than that, a highly recommendable book.

So, I've started now on Finding Sky, which I've actually read before right up until the last few chapters, but never really finished. Not sure what happened there. But I got the sequel for Christmas -- Stealing Phoenix -- and I intend to read the hell out of it sometime soon. Plus, if memory serves, Zed Benedict is utterly edible, so I shan't get bored with my re-reading duties.

And now we are onto my new love of poetry! I know, right? I've been reading poems and I would highly recommend that everyone else start doing the same:

Dreamland by Edgar Allan Poe -- So obvious he's high as a kite, but it's such a cool poem.
Annabel Lee by the same ol' opium eater -- Really sweet and simple... kinda disturbing as well.
Funeral Blues by W.H. Auden -- Upsetting enough, I guess, but good.
Dulce Et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen -- Love this poet, love this poem, but it's awful.

Right, well, as far as my own foshizzle (that's Yiddish) is concerned, I'm getting along alright. Projects laid to rest, permanently or otherwise, since last time include:
  • Losing Ollie.
  • The Celtic on with the faeries.
And projects in progress are:
  • Just A Game.
  • Imprints.
Just A Game - I'm on the very last chapter, literally rounding up the book and then I'm not allowed touch it. I'm bound by oaths to many a family member to bloody well publish the damn thing and stop nit-picking. So, I will. Very soon.

Imprints is something new I've started with a bunch of characters I was already familiar with. Basically, I was writing this story, then I abandoned it because I didn't like the characters, but I loved the story, so I found a new story for them all to fit into. And it's this one.

Yeah, I tried to make that sound dead intimidating, but I failed, so... Yeah. But it's going good all the same.

Anything else... Anything else...

Yes. I have another story and it's such a cute idea, but I don't have time to go through it right now.

And I entered a competition with a War Horse inspired short-story about sixteen-year-old Nathanael Iorath, a young Welsh private fighting in the trenches of WW1. It made my mother cry. Like, actually. It goes by the name of Up and Over.
And that's all from my world of literature until next time.

In other news, I've obviously seen War Horse and it rocked my frayed giraffe-print socks off. I loved it and I swear to God I tried my damndest not to shed a tear and I just about made it. If I wasn't so loyal to the movie, i would say that it's on par with Saving Private Ryan, but I can't say that because Saving Private Ryan is just... whooo -- you know?
I am yet to see Sherlock Holmes and I am not one bit happy about it.

BBC are my homies this weather. Normally, I hate TV, but these guys have gone ape since Christmas. It started with the Doctor Who Christmas special, then Great Expectations, then the Edwin Drood thing, Sherlock and now this Birdsong show I'm watching about (my new obsession) World War One. Only, don't watch it with your parents... kinky business...

And that is all from me for tha noo.

Over an' out.

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