"Writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia." - E.L. Doctorow

Sunday 20 November 2011

Synonyms include... Shagalicious

Quote of the Day - 'Being a writer is like running your own personal insane asylum.'

So... The prologue of Silence - mind-blowing! I was cringing with fear at one point. Fear for Patch, that is. It's not that the book's scary, but no one goes near Patch on my watch.

So, we have business to attend to.

Fwoah: A Definition

Fwoah is a term used to describe, or express appreciation of, a highly attractive individual.

The word Fwoah, must be said in a very particular way. It must be dramatically dragged out and spoken on a breath, so it almost sounds like a sigh. The speaker must have an awed, or appreciative air about them.
The word Fwoah must be written in italics, as it is more like a sound than an actual word and must be stressed.

Example 1: 'Patch Cipriano is just... fwoah.'
Example 2: Attractive male walks past a group of girls. Group of girls all go, 'Fwoah...'

Synonyms of Fwoah include...
  • Striking.
  • Eye-catching.
  • Hot.
  • Attractive.
  • Sexy.
  • Bangable.
  • Shaggable.
  • Shagalicious.
  • Gorgeous.
  • Do-able.
  • Yummy.
  • Scrumptious.
  • Babe-magnet.
I hope that gets the idea across.
So, I'm just going to do a few reccomendations because I'm class* -

Recommended Book of the Week: Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick (I have a good feeling).
Recommended Movie of the Week: Breaking Dawn Part One (I give it an 8/10).
Recommended Comfort Food of the Day: Mince Pies (let's get festive).
Recommended Download of the Day: Iron by Woodkid (as heard in the Assassin's Creed Revelations ad).

Over an' Out ;)

*class - Irish slang for 'awesome', or 'cool'. Not that I'm Irish, or anything...

Next Time: Why Cassandra Clare Might Just Be Jesus.

Saturday 19 November 2011

In A Nutshell: Bangable

Alright, so I've made a little promise to myself and that promise is to finish all the books that I own and haven't read, before the year is out. So, it's a nice little challenge that I'll have to fit somwhere into my schedule... not that I have a daily schedule or anything. I mean, I'm normal, so why would I have something like that? That's just ridiculous. Jeez...

The List:
  1. Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick
  2. Wither by Lauren DeStefano
  3. The Angel Experiment (Maximum Ride) by James Patterson
  4. A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
  5. Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard
  6. Romeo & Juliet & Vampires by William Shakespeare and Claudie Gabel

So, I guess I should start Silence later on today...
Yeah, so you can probably see that I'm one of those girls. One of those girls who just can't get enough of the ol' YA fantasy romace stuff. And I have a major thing for vampires, so as you can imagine... Twilight.

Oh, yes. I said it.

I hate to admit it, but I was once one of those kids who'd rape Edward Cullen if I saw him in the street. And he wasn't Robert Pattinson, or anything, because Edward was real and one day, I'd kill Bella and marry him like nothing normal... Yup... Not some of my finer moments, but what can you do?
Luckily, I'm one of those fangirls who discovered the Mortal Instruments and realised, with mind-blowing shock, that there are better books out there! As impossible as it may have seemed at the time! Now, most books I've read, beat the Twilight Saga. But the movies... Well, see, I have this tradition of sorts with a bunch of my crazier cousins. We always - always - see the Twilight movies the first day they come out (we have a lot of memories based round these movies), but recently it's more of a "We have to do it because we've always done it" kind of thing, as opposed to "Holy mother of sweet Jesus - we're going to see Twilight!"
But there's no denying that they're entertaining movies, in all fairness.

So, back to books. Books, books, books.
I bought Wither today. It looks really interesting. It's different. No vampires, or werewolves - no mythical creatures at all, actually... Bit odd for me.
And as for Silence, here's Amazon's run-down:

The noise between Patch and Nora is gone. They've overcome the secrets riddled in Patch's dark past...bridged two irreconcilable worlds...faced heart-wrenching tests of betrayal, loyalty and trust...and all for a love that will transcend the boundary between heaven and earth. Armed with nothing but their absolute faith in one another, Patch and Nora enter a desperate fight to stop a villain who holds the power to shatter everything they've worked for—and their love—forever.
I've read the entire Hush Hush Saga and all I can say is that Patch is... fwoah.
Now, 'fwoah' is an impossibly powerful word. In that word is contained so many other words and expressions. I will explain it in depth someday, but in a nutshell, it means 'bangable', to be blunt. If I had to chose my favourite of the notorious YA hunks, it would be a toss-up between Patch Cipriano and Jace Wayland. But of course, neither could win.
Because my heart's always going to belong to Jem freaking Carstairs.
I love that guy. So, as a warning, my reading list up there is going to be messed up bigtime when Clockwork Prince comes out. I've had it preordered from the Book Depository since May and it's not even coming out till December 6th (*tear*).
And that brings us on to my Cassandra Clare addiction... How about we don't deal with this right now... It's difficult to talk about...

Over an' Out ;)

Next Time... Fwoah: An In-Depth Definition.

Friday 18 November 2011

Babylonian Grammar Nazi

What am I even doing? This is insane... But I'm going to follow through with it.
Because I am insane.

So, this is a blog. It's my blog and I can do whatever the hell I want with it. I can put whatever the hell I want on it. I am the Overlord of this blog.
And I like it. I like it a lot... 
I did a little dance there, by the way, like a wiggle. It's my Ultimate Overlord Wiggle. It was amazing.

Right, so let's get this straight. I babble. I think I was born in Babylon - I swear to God. Except I'm not Babylonian, which is kind of awkward... But I tend to digress. It's an affliction almost as bad as being a caffeine addict, a Grammar Nazi and a bit of a sociopath - all of which I am, but I'm like a really nice sociopath. I don't want to kill anyone. It's fine.

So, I'm going to write most things on this blog and I'm going to enjoy it, but God help the poor souls who read it... (Psst! Yes, that does mean you.)

I like reading (expect book reviews and freak-outs about books), I notice a lot of really weird things (expect a lot of really weird things), a lot of things annoy me (expect rants), and I write. the writing's the first thing I should've mentioned because I can talk a lot when I get started on my writing, so expect a lot of things about that.

But I mean, this could work. It could be fun. If it isn't, I think I'll just go back to sleeping at night, but hopefully it won't come to that. So... I need to get up at eight and unfortunately being trapped in this mortal form forces me to get some rest. It sucks. But I mean... these things happen.

Over an' Out ;)