"Writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia." - E.L. Doctorow

Friday 18 November 2011

Babylonian Grammar Nazi

What am I even doing? This is insane... But I'm going to follow through with it.
Because I am insane.

So, this is a blog. It's my blog and I can do whatever the hell I want with it. I can put whatever the hell I want on it. I am the Overlord of this blog.
And I like it. I like it a lot... 
I did a little dance there, by the way, like a wiggle. It's my Ultimate Overlord Wiggle. It was amazing.

Right, so let's get this straight. I babble. I think I was born in Babylon - I swear to God. Except I'm not Babylonian, which is kind of awkward... But I tend to digress. It's an affliction almost as bad as being a caffeine addict, a Grammar Nazi and a bit of a sociopath - all of which I am, but I'm like a really nice sociopath. I don't want to kill anyone. It's fine.

So, I'm going to write most things on this blog and I'm going to enjoy it, but God help the poor souls who read it... (Psst! Yes, that does mean you.)

I like reading (expect book reviews and freak-outs about books), I notice a lot of really weird things (expect a lot of really weird things), a lot of things annoy me (expect rants), and I write. the writing's the first thing I should've mentioned because I can talk a lot when I get started on my writing, so expect a lot of things about that.

But I mean, this could work. It could be fun. If it isn't, I think I'll just go back to sleeping at night, but hopefully it won't come to that. So... I need to get up at eight and unfortunately being trapped in this mortal form forces me to get some rest. It sucks. But I mean... these things happen.

Over an' Out ;)

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